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모델 호리아
What's the difference between me in front of the camera and me behind the camera?
I have always been behind the camera and find comfort there because it’s where I learned to express myself as a filmmaker. Behind the camera I find myself always looking for the beauty of what I can see through the lens. In front of the lens, I am trying to imagine what the Director may be looking for and finding the best way to present it to the camera.
When Directing, it's all about the compositions you can capture through the frame. As a model, you play a fun role in managing the photo composition as well. Both sides of the jobs are so fun & I think being experienced in both has been very helpful for my goals in both filmmaking and modeling!
Is there any reason why you started modeling while living in Korea?
Originally I came to korea with hopes of video producing and filmmaking, however because of the pandemic my opportunities became limited.I have never been a person that was super confident with my looks, but modeling opportunities began finding their way to me.
And it was a challenge I wanted to face, for the opportunity to be involved in my own industry, but also as a way for me to confront my own fears and insecurities. Through modeling, I’ve been able to find a new source of confidence in the thing that once made me the most insecure about myself and find comfort in truly looking at myself.
What do you think is the biggest attraction you have?
Physically, I have healthy skin that I put a lot of effort into managing! I also have a big smile! Otherwise, I’m a very hard worker and will always push through the challenges I face, I think that’s one of my biggest charms.
If you plan to be more active in modeling, is there anything you want to manage separately?
My mental health! It can be very stressful when I do model jobs because I sometimes obsess over how I look. Or sometimes I don’t like the photos that are selected. But I’d like to be the kind of person who doesn’t care about these things. A lot of the importance of modeling is just presenting a confident image and a good picture instead of just looking pretty, so I try to minimize the care I have for my looks and instead do my best to create good pictures. The more I work in the industry, the harder I have to work to manage my insecurities and my mental health. But I think I’m doing a good job!
What do you think is ‘true beauty’?
I think true beauty is within yourself, in many ways.True beauty is kindness. But also confidence.And strength. I think “true beauty” is finding all of these things within yourself.
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